Summer is officially here and most of the time it even feels like it!

The pic above is from when my daughter and I were scouting writing locations in Eureka Springs. We explored and wrote and it was fabulous!
Bonus points - my daughter is standing by Magnetic Spring, where my next book, For Never & Always, takes place.
Speaking of...for Never & Always comes out in 3 weeks!
This is how real people prep for summer. Mmhmm.
You with me? I thought so.

This week was all about my favorite things. Food. Flowers. My kids.
My daughter was accepted onto the dance team at her new college! She's very excited!
I have a rose blooming on my baby new rose bush that my mother gave me. It was supposed to be purple but is instead very pink. I still love it! I added a pic of a house that I see all the time where I walk and it's garden is what I wish my garden looked like! #gardengoals! Is that a thing?
And last but not least if you're ever in Jamesport MO you must go to the Bakery by H&M the fried pies are so good! Love berrypies any day of the week but wrap them up dip them in sugar and put it in my hand and you've made me your best friend for life! Or if you're at my house come try the amazing sugar cookies my daughter makes. I ask for them everyday.
I should go walking more.